Pacific Northwest Part IV

After Cannon Beach, we made the drive to Portland. Our goal was to drive through Glacier Park but they were still requiring chains on the wheels to enter and not being very familiar with that part of Northern living, we opted out.  Just like the girls and I wanted to opt out of the deeply disturbing toilet of death at the rest area.  Matt assured us that was normal in the mountains.  We are still talking about how scary it was. However, I will say the short turn around we did in the park I was awestruck. We drove around to try to re-create the view we saw in that split second, and we came close but not exact. 

We even ate in an old railcar!

We continued on our way to our first night stay in Portland, The Kennedy School. Now, this place was cool. They took an elementary school and converted it into a hotel.  Each classroom is a hotel room, the cafeteria is a restaurant, the auditorium is a theatre.  We walked the halls, learned about it’s history and made sure to write on the chalkboards.  Very cool stay, and super immersive!