Water Hose

A few weekends ago Matt and I decided to have a water fight, but we didn’t tell the girls.  We filled up the balloons in secret and while that sounds all ninja style, it wasn’t.  I think the process would have been so much easier had we just let Lillian in on the secret since every 2 minutes an interruption caused us to hide our stash and try not to act like we were up to something.  We announced our surprise and Lillian and Natalie were stoked.  We got our proper gear on and headed outside.  Each of us grabbed a balloon, lined up, and threw.  All the enthusiam that Natalie had was gone as soon as she realized we threw something at her, it exploded, and made her wet.  Game over.  She was done.

Lillian enjoyed every second of it.  I would say minutes but they didn’t last long.  Since we were already wet, we decided to have some fun with the hose.  Natalie gained her footing and decided she didn’t want to disown us any more and joined the water activities.  She was all-in again.  Game on.

Since they weren’t getting as wet as they liked and quite honestly we didn’t want to hold the hose any more, we brought over their pool and slid it under the slide, attached the hose to the side of the slide and we instantly had a hit!  Our every own WATER SLIDE! ;)  They spent a good 45 minutes or more going up and down.  Since then, we have probably played water slide 5 times.  Nothing like good old simple fun.
