It’s Science!

99% of the time I love that Lillian goes to school in the same city that we work in.  But that 1% creeps up sometimes and I just don’t like it.  It all revolves around after school activities – book fairs, reading night, etc.  This time, Science Night.  They really hyped it up too.  They had Lillian totally excited about going.  We didn’t want to completly devastate Lillian by telling her she couldn’t go.  Instead, we decided to have our own Science Night, at our house.  

Matt loves science and he did a great job of coming up with new experiments and ones he did as a kid that both Lillian and Natalie could participate in.  We learned about thrust with a balloon and a straw, used the scientific method to see what would happen to a glass full of ice and water, made a carbonated lemonade drink, saw chemical reactions with vinegar and baking soda and diet cola and mentos, and finally we made silly putty.

It was a super awesome night!  Now, back to that ridiculously hyped up Science Night they had at the school.  I get to do the walk of shame when I pick up Lillian when they are hosting a "fun night" since she goes to after school care at the school and usually when I go get her they are gearing up for their fun.  Well, my walk of shame turned into a little spring in my step when I saw that their "Science Night" was the older students science projects that we could walk around and look at.  Man, I was glad we opted out of that and went home to experiment.  I’m confident in saying, she didn’t miss much.


Some additional pictures here.