Lillian’s End of VPK Play

Oh, it’s so bittersweet.  My little girl is growing up and it’s going fast!  This Saturday she had her end of VPK play and it was, like I said, bittersweet.  Lillian did such a great job, she moved and sang above the others and she looked so confident standing up there with her peers.  She has such a good relationship with them all and they laughed and talked between songs and you could just tell the fun that she must have every day.  I couldn’t help but think how I have so many more days like these ahead where the pride for the this little person will overwhelm my whole heart and I so look forward to them.  

Lillian will be the last child to move into kindergarten that started off at the director’s home daycare.  So not only was it emotional for me to know that her days are numbered at her home away from home but also for the director, Ms Cristy who has held and cared for Lillian since she was 8 weeks old!   

At the end of their cute little song performance, her teacher, Ms Grace, presented each of the students with a certificate that spoke to each of their roles in the VPK room and they also received a medal as their graduation gift.  Lillian’s certificate coined her with the little mommy award.  She is always there to help and "direct" her friends in the right direction.  She was so proud of her award as you can see!


They showed a video where Ms Grace, their VPK teacher, interviewed each of them with questions like what was their favorite activity and what do they want to be when they grow up.   They also decorated the walls with the kids art where they did interpretations of Van Gogh and Georgia O’Keeffe, a quilt they had made of what they wanted to be and also they painted the globe backdrop for their performance.  You could tell that the kids and Ms Grace had spent a lot of time preparing for the play.  

Take a look here for a video collage of ther performance –

Take a look here for more pictures – Spring ’11