
Who would have thought both girls would get Roseola right around their first birthdays respectfully!  Natalie got a really high fever that we weren’t able to break.  After two doctor visits and 5 days of waiting it out… the rash finally appeared.  I knew instantly what it was.  
With Lillian when she got it, I noticed a few spots on her belly while I was getting her dressed for school and didn’t think anything about it.  Well, when the day care called me and told me that she had a rash all over her I didn’t really expect to see what I saw.  When I got to the school and saw Lillian I started bawling because I wasn’t sure what it was and if it was hurting her, etc.  Also, she has such fair skin that it looked at least 2 times worse on her then it did on Natalie.  Once I got educated on Roseola I was a much better mommy this time around and I didn’t freak out one bit when I saw the same little spots on Natalie.  
The good news is that once the rash comes, the fever breaks and they just look like a speckled baby for a few days. I’d rather have that any day over a miserable 102 heating pad baby!