New Cars

It started on March 9th, when a guy in an F-150 hit the back of my car and totaled it.  More on that in another post (definitely not in the Fun Stuff category).

That weekend, we went into the local Toyota dealership to replace my car and get a new one for Barbara.  We decided to go ahead and get us both new cars since the deals at Toyota are hard to beat right now.  They have 0% interest for five years on 2010 models and two years (or 25K miles) of free maintenance (oil changes, etc.) because we were previous Toyota owners.

Well, we found a Corolla (LE) that Barbara really liked (it has leather!) and went ahead and got that one for her.  Unfortunately, there wasn’t a Matrix anywhere in the Southeast that matched what I wanted, so I had to give up alloy wheels to find one that could be shipped in.  It was supposed to arrive the following Thursday, but got delayed for two more days.  That sucked, because I didn’t really care for the rental car, but it worked out because I’ll be getting three additional free oil changes to make up for the delay.

Now that we both have our matching cars (yes, we got the same color cars) we decided to take some pictures.  There’s one thing not yet in those photos – tinted windows.  Barbara is getting hers for free from the dealership since there was a barely noticeable scratch on the dashboard of her car.  I’ll be having it added later, because I’m already jealous enough from the leather interior. ;)

In the following pictures, my Matrix is the top half and Barbara’s Corolla is the bottom.  Okay, except for the ones where the cars are side-by-side.




