Summer Vacation at Abuela’s

We are on our yearly summer break at Abuelo and Abuelo’s (Grandpa and Grandma) house in Montgomery to visit with Lillian’s cousins from California.  We all drove up last Thursday so we were able to spend the 4th of July together.  Lillian only gets to see Dylan and Katelynn twice a year if we are lucky, so she had a great time playing and getting to know her two cousins.  Matt and our two furry girls left Sunday, but not before we got a chance to visit the Montgomery Zoo.  That was Lillian’s first time at the zoo and she had a blast looking at all the animals and making their noises.

John, Andrea, Katelynn & Dylan left this morning so Lillian and I will be heading back to Florida tomorrow.  We had a wonderful time together and can’t wait until next year when we visit them in California to welcome Lillian’s new cousin!  I posted pictures of our trip under Summer ’08 if you want to look at our adventures.