Back Yard Gazebo Project

Barbara saw this Havenbury gazebo at Target last Thursday, and it was clearance priced at 50% off so it seemed much more reasonable.  We went to Target at lunch on Friday to take a look at it, but it wasn’t there anymore.

Turns out, those gazebos were final seasonal clearance items, and the one Barbara saw was the last one the FWB Target had in stock.  So, I got to see it online and agreed that it would be worth getting if we could find one.

After some calling around over the weekend, we found that the store in Pace (about 2/3 of the way to Pensacola) still had one in stock.  Again, it was the last model and it was on display.  So, I went out there shortly after the store opened Sunday morning and got it.

Of course, it wasn’t that easy.  Someone had to take it apart, but we had to wait for a qualified associate to show up.  After that, I helped out a little (couldn’t help too much for liability reasons) and tried to remember what went where.

While I was there, I decided to get the chandelier that goes with the gazebo.  It was also clearance priced!  Not a bad deal when you spend less than half price for everything (I also got a Target Card to get an extra 10% off).

Anyway, we then spent the hottest part of Sunday (89 degrees actual – 110 degrees perceived) reconstructing the gazebo in our back yard.  It was hot, sweaty work and it took a while since we had to take a few breaks to keep from overheating.

We then cleaned all the patio furniture, redecorated a bit, and set everything up!  Once it was all done, the result made all the effort worthwhile.

Take a look and see what you think:

Our Gazebo Chandelier Closeup Table Decor