Homecoming 2021

So this happened.  Our little girl got her first chance to dress up and go to a for real school dance.  She looked amazing!  A few things for the memory bank moment.  Her first choice dress did not come in on time.  It was delayed and meant to arrive the day of the dance.  It got delayed again.  Frantic mode ensues as we begin the dress hunt.  Went to our local mall – no luck.  Drove to Frisco – no luck.  Came back home started looking in her closet.  Nothing.  Then we went to mine, found a dress I had for my 10 year job ceremony – Winner… sort of.  it was not as fitted as she had hoped. Now tag teaming begins.  Matt, our at home tailor, takes the dress and begins to alter it.  I start curling Lillian’s hair.  We finish and have our personal Homecoming Queen ready to go with 30 minutes to spare. What.A.DAY.  I literally thought we were in some sort of warped competition show.

Anyway! Back to what matters.  I present you the end result!

Can you tell Matt was a bit sad about the transformation ;)

Added bonus!  Abuela got to be part of the memory!