New Years Eve 2018

Ah 2018 you were everything I’d hope you’d be and a welcomed surprise to the last few years.  My mom was diagnosed with colon cancer and after a successful surgery, she’s cancer free.  Matt started a job close to home eliminating his ridiculous, stressful commute. This has been so beneficial to the quality of our home life.  I worked to define my role at work into something I can add value to daily which was important to  me.   The kids started their first team sport, soccer and we spent the good part of our Spring cheering them on.  For them being first time players, they did great.  Lillian really impressed her coaches! Speaking of Lillian, she’s is successfully maneuvering 7th grade and has made the best set of friends for her.  Natalie is kicking butt in 3rd grade and still enjoying her TAG activities.  So yeah, we had a lot of good come run of 2018 and I’m excited and hopeful of a continuation of the this in 2019!

Here’s to 2019!

And then Lillian wanted to reenact the whole thing.