6th and 2nd Grade

WHEW! Summer flew by.  Like it really felt like a long weekend instead of 2 months!  It was long enough though as both girls were eager to begin their new school year. Big changes in the Ross household with Natalie being in elementary school by herself and Lillian in middle school!  Also, we are no longer in daycare.  I repeat, we are no longer in daycare! We decided to try something different and enroll Natalie in the after-school program at her school and Lillian now takes the bus home.  So far it has worked out wonderful! I’m excited for this year for both Lillian and Natalie. I feel they are going to grow a ton as individuals and sisters.

Being apart this long made for an anxious reunion!  Natalie couldn’t wait.  She sat by the door and kept a look out for the school bus.  Lillian barely made it out of the bus before Natalie was out the door waiting for her.

I guess Lillian felt the same way too.  As soon as she got home they got comfortable on the couch and began telling each other about their day.  It was sweet.  Memory bank deposit there for sure.