Vacation 2017

The Traver Ross clan got together again to make some memories.  We spent the 4th of July week swimming, fishing, dancing, traveling (Alabama to Georgia to Tennessee), sight-seeing and getting Katelynn settled at Middle Tennessee.  It was a whirlwind of a week but full of fun! Here’s a snapshot of our time together

The kids made slime as part of their cousin reunion

We then all met up in Alabama to start off our week.  Each day was full of eating, laughing, swimming, family and good times.

We put on a killer dance show, where almost everyone joined in!

We had a nice lunch with Don and Betty to catch up!

Celebrated John’s birthday

and the kids put on a performance for Don and Betty.  They loved it!

Fishing on my parent’s lake was a daily occurrence.  The kids did so good!  All of them caught something!

Mom had the daily duty of cleaning the fish for us to enjoy.  She didn’t seem to mind. :)

The kids had a night swim before the firework show that Matt and John put on.

It was pretty awesome I must say!

We even made a custom piece in memory of Chris with each of the kids participating.

Quick stop at our house for a few games before we hit the road to Tennessee

Off to Tennessee!  First stop Jack Daniels Distillery.

A quick night’s rest and then off to the Parthenon replica and Nashville!

We ended our short Tennessee visit helping Katelynn move into her apartment to start her 2nd year of college.  So much fun crammed into one week. Whew!