So many little moments of randomness in our house that I had to capture. Not enough for a post of their own but worth the documentation of our 2017 memories
Like the time we went to the school art show and saw our kid’s framed art
Or the time we hit up Del Taco after a day of shopping
Or this messy bun, I don’t care I’m still cute little girl
Or when Matt got his 3D printer and Natalie was amazed!
When Publix had the biggest strawberries we had ever seen and it took both of them to eat one!
When they braved the cold to get their first taste of Summer in April
When this poor bumble bee chose us to help her spend her last few hours sucking on honey.
When we celebrated both of us, Natalie put on unicorn make up and we enjoyed the sight of ducks and Abuelo and Abuela’s house.
When Tito John came to visit and the girls were glued to him. Not to mention Violet.
When watching You Tube videos is a staple at night before bed.
When Genny likes to play under the covers.
Or when the kids decided to make Matt and I homemade perfume with plants and baking extracts.