Sky Zone!

A little more exploring this weekend and we ended up at Sky Zone.  It was on our the plans for last weekend but we lost track of time so we made it up to the girls this weekend.  It was pretty awesome!  We decided to start with 30 minutes of jumping and I’m glad we didn’t go over.  Holy Goodness!  The grown ups were separated from the kids so Matt and I were at one corner and the kids were in the middle.  We were jumping, having the time of our lives, running, moving, and then we were like let’s take a break and get some water.  We asked what time it was and when he told us our jaws dropped.  We had only been jumping for 5 minutes!  Seriously?!  I’m feeling pretty fulfilled and you are saying we have 25 minutes left! :)  I told Matt we’re too old for all that!

The kids, however, kept on moving and we ended at the foam pit which they definitely enjoyed.  When we got back to the main jumping area there were less people so we were able to jump almost side by side which we all enjoyed.  Our little adventure ended with a trip to Publix and a nice lunch at home, bath and relaxing time.  Not to bad for Ross weekend!

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