We’re Moving

This post has been a long time coming but we’re officially ready to announce that we’re moving to Atlanta!  Late last year I saw a position post for my company at corporate headquarters and after some debate, Matt and I both felt it was worth going after it and see where it went.  I was offered the position and we’ll be moving late March early April to begin our new adventures!  I started my new position last Monday and Matt was able to join me in Atlanta to work towards finding a job himself.  We had a pretty stressful but fortunate week.  To make the most of the trip, my parents watched the girls.  This was the first time we’ve both been away from our girls for this long but I tell you what, as much as we missed them, it was the best decision we could have made.  We wouldn’t have been able to get as much accomplished nor would they have had much fun staying in a hotel all day.  It was a win/win all around.  I’m very thankful for their help and keeping our girls (all four of them) in good hands.  It was nice knowing that wasn’t an area of our life the demanded too much attention.  Daily face-times 2-3 times a day helped make the distance and trip a little less painful.  Thank goodness for technology!  Seeing their faces and talking to them was awesome.  Lillian even worked on making the most of her trip by losing a tooth!  Good thing the tooth fairy knew where she was!

So during our week away, Matt was able to interview and accept a position, we put down the deposit for our short term apartment until we figure out where we want to live and put down roots, we got Natalie’s daycare and Lillian’s after school figured out (the awesome part is Lillian will go to Natalie’s daycare for her after-school program) and of course I got integrated into my role and team.  Like I said, stressful but fortunate.  Things are starting to fall into place and it’s feeling good.  Now, that’s not to say that this hasn’t been bittersweet.  I’m leaving a work family that I’ve grown up with for the last 10 years and some amazing friends that we’ve made.  That has been the hardest part of this whole transition, it’s hard to say goodbye to so much good but yet be excited for all the awesomeness in front of you.  We have all had a bit of mixed emotions during this roller coaster of a ride so far in 2014 but we know we’ve made a great choice for our family.

So our little piece of Florida life is shortly coming to an end but it’s not forever.  We’re already planning some trips back just to keep up with traditions and friends!  Life is about to get interesting is our phrase for 2014!  Let the adventure BEGIN!

I thought it would be fitting to take some pictures at my parents house with the same suitcases that my family used to move from Spain to the States so many years ago.  Who would have thought they would be such great props for the biggest move so far for the Ross Family!

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