Girl’s Outing

First day officially off for Thanksgiving Holidays and we took advantage of it!  We hit up the post office first to mail off my hair donation and then we headed to the library.  Sheer luck they were having story time and I had two willing girls to join in on the fun.  The “teacher” wowed us with her singing voice.  Seriously, Lillian and I were like whoa, did you hear that!  We even got to participate in making some turkey art!  Score!  Then we picked out some books.  Natalie wanted to learn more about princesses and Lillian wanted to hone in on her joke skills.  If you hear me telling knock, knock jokes you’ll know why.  Next, we headed out to eat at their favorite taco dive, followed up by a visit to the park which we had all to ourselves which meant I got to play too!  Tunnels aren’t as fun as I remembered… I kept thinking how much my knees were hurting, I’m not sure why kids don’t complain about that.  Lillian went down a fireman’s pole for the first time, reluctantly.  It took her a good 15 minutes to build up to it but once she did it, she did it again within 2 seconds.  Nothing like facing your fears! :)  We ended our trip by checking out the new cupcake shop downtown which was a big hit.  Even bought a surprised turkey cupcake for Matt!  Life was pretty good yesterday!

