2nd Grade!

School’s been in for a little bit over a month now so it’s about time I posted about Lillian’s first day!  Each year it gets better!  Though we didn’t have the same Summer care drama we had last year, we were all ready to get back to a normal routine.  Something about Summer schedules with field trips, and holidays and everything in between lacks too much disorganization for my need for routine.  I was definitely welcoming the structured week system we have during the school year.

Like we’ve done the last 2 years, we got ready, took a first day of school picture, and we headed down as a family to take the girls in.  Natalie was first, and then we headed to Lillian’s school.  EVERYONE decided to park their car at the park across the street which made for an interesting parking system.  Once around, and realizing I wasn’t going to get anywhere near the front of the school, I parked in the closest spot I could find.  It happened to be the one furthest away from the crosswalk which had me jogging my way up to meet Lillian and Matt.  So far, we had it all together.

We walked in, put Lillian’s things down, said our goodbyes and we were out the door.  Lillian was cautiously optimistic that she was going to have a good day though she showed a little bit of nerves.  I made it out the door before I had my mini meltdown.  Matt was looking over to congratulate me on making it and then saw my face and just started rubbing my back.  Sooo close!  I’m thinking 3rd grade, I have to have this mastered by then!  Luckily, my pity party of my girl growing up didn’t last long and I was under control before we hit the crosswalk.  The day went by quickly and Lillian, as she has had the last 3 years, had an amazing day at school and immediately proclaims her teacher is her favorite teacher.  So 2nd Grade, first day, was a success!

One thing I realized from this little picture project, other than she’s looking so much like a “kid” instead of my baby,  is that I really need to paint our front door… no judging please.

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