Natalie’s Room Redo

One more room down in our one room at a time project.  Natalie’s room was next on the list, because it was an easy fix :)  We liked the room like it was we just wanted to add a few things.  Most notably update her wall decor and get her a piece of furniture that would be a better fit for her space.  We completed both of those goals!

1st her walls.. Now that she’s been potty trained for a while, we didn’t need the shelf any more over her dresser so we got her a mirror.  This makes the room look so much bigger!  I also knew she needed a little bit of storage so we got some premade shelves and painted them a bright coral to house her items.


Next we finally got her birds up!  Matt’s mom gave us these birds a few years ago and I was waiting until we redid her room for us to be able to hang them up.  Fast forward 2 years and we finally have them up!


Now for the second goal of getting her a piece of furniture that better fit her space…short answer we couldn’t find one we liked, in the price range we liked.  So in our typical fashion, we made one! It’s perfect!  Below are the a few before shots of our progress.




and the finished product..


One more down, 4 rooms to go!  Hopefully, 2013 is the year to finish them all up!