Natalie’s 2!


Baby Bird turned 2! What a fun year it’s been too.  You learned to walk, talk and grow into your big personality.  Here’s a little about you:

You have impeccable timing and delivery when it comes to a punchline.  

You LOVE Scooby Doo. I think love is an understatement.

When you see Lillian at after school care you always take off running with arms opened to get the first hug.  My favorite part of the day.

You are so polite.  Thank you, excuse me, I’m sorry.  All words you use all the time.

You are a big ole cuddle bug.  Head on my shoulder or cheek to cheek are your favorite ways to be held.

Just like your sister,  you are obsessed with shoes.

Whatever Lillian can do, you can do or will try.  You want to be right beside her at all times.

You are incredibly shy.  Not many get to see YOU.  It’s the little treasure you keep for the ones close to you. 

You know your colors but every thing is "pink" first.  You definitely have a preference.

Favorite phrases: What’s that, Nani do it, I want some.

You are special and so loved.  I know year #3 is going to be AWESOME and full of great memories. 

Happy 2nd Birthday Natalie! 
