2012 Year of Projects #2

Oh where do I begin with our garage.  It’s the catch all place and also the place where most of our projects start, live and finish.  We haven’t done anything to the garage since we moved in so it had souvenirs and signs of all our projects to show for it. There was a lot of work to do and we wanted to make sure to keep it at a weekend project so Friday we cleared it out.  Here’s what the garage looked like in the process of getting things out of the room.  Kind of embarrassing to even post this but you have to see the before to appreciate the after….so here is our before


As you can see our little helpers were eager to be in the middle of all the chaos. :) Matt and I have determined that we need to build in kid time into our projects so if we think something is going to take 1 hr, we’ll actually be finished in 2.5 hours.  It’s just fact and the nature of the beast.  

Saturday we got up EARLY.  Matt took a load of stuff to Goodwill and then we headed to Lowes.  We got paint, cabinets, countertops, and odds and ends. Right when we got home we went to work.  I swept and Matt pressure washed the floor so we could start with a clean slate.  After that we painted and painted and painted and painted.  ALOT.  That was definitely the bulk of our day.  After a packed morning, a mid afternoon break for the park and some more supplies at Lowes, the sun set and we were still at it! By 8:30pm we had painted the walls and the ceiling, built cabinets, installed the cabinets and countertop, cleaned the blinds and windows and put the shelves back up.  An exhausting Saturday was done.  


Today was much better! ;)  All the hard work was behind us and the fun part of organizing and putting our things back had begun!  We purged, sorted and organized.  By 9am we had a pretty awesome garage if I do say so myself! 


It feels way bigger than it ever did and it just has a nice airy feel to it.  Now we have room to grow!  Project "garage keep-up" DONE!