
In this post I mentioned that Aunty Andrea and Tito John got Lillian some really cool butterfly items. Well, we finally received a key component a few weeks go to one of the items.  Let me explain. Lillian recieved a live butterfly garden kit and in there you get a coupon to receive some larvae so you can watch them become butterflies. Since we live in Florida and have hot summers, we received a note from the company saying that they received our coupon but, because of the weather, we wouldn’t be able to get our larvae until it got colder outside so they would survive the shipment.  

It was a nice little surprise when they arrived! I figured we wouldn’t get them until mid October or later.  I’m so glad Matt’s a reader because I would have gone ahead and stuck them in the net and waited for something to happen!  But, it turns out, they need to live in their little cup they were shipped in until they get themselves ready to become butterflies.  After a week, they were finally ready.   Matt and Lilian placed them in their new home and we waited patiently for them to transform.  What seemed like overnight, we had like 7 butteflies in the net! Totally awesome!  

We kept them for about a week in their net and we finally decided it was time to set them free. So last Saturday, right before we headed out to see Disney Live, we released our little friends.  What was awesome about the whole experience is that since they were so used to us they wouldn’t fly away at first.  They kept landing on our clothes and flying all around us. They even let us hold them!  As you can tell they had no fear of being around us!

