Lillian’s Birthday & Party

We celebrated Lillian’s actual birthday very low key.  You wouldn’t know by the amazing family and friends we have and all the wonderful things she received but her actual birthday was just us.  Our little family, wishing our 5 year old beauty the happiest birthday she could have. Lillian woke up to find a bike, a guitar, all this wonderful butterfly items, courtesy of her Auntie Andrea and Tito John and a few odds and ends.  She was so excited to see her gifts waiting for her like Christmas morning. When she got home from school we made pasta, her favorite food, and we sang her happy birthday to a hawaiian chocolate thanks to Matt’s family and their recent visit to Hawaii.  



We wanted to save all her wonderful festivities until her actual party, which took place 2 weeks after her birthday!  Unfortunately, this year, with me having to travel and then Matt’s diving classes that’s the earliest we could have it.  It worked out well though. This was the first time we sent invitations out for her party and she got her two favorite playmates to come over for some good ole fashion fun.  We had a tea party style party for Lillian this year and just like every year, we tried to outdo our last year’s event.  I think we succeeded!  First we had cupcake pops instead of cake or cupcakes – big hit!


but we needed Lillian to be able to blow out some candles so she had her own little cake


I tried to come up with activities for the kid’s to play and then I realized, they would rather just have fun and do what they wanted. and that’s what they did, and they had a ball.


Lillian enjoyed opeing all her fabulous gifts


We also, well let me rephrase.  Matt made a picnic table for the kids and Lillian and I painted it.  We used it as our table for the party and it looked awesome! You can get a glimpse of it here.


I was looking for a picnic table for the kids and I wasn’t able to find something in the price range and style i wanted so I got Matt involved and POOF! I had a wonderful table and then Lillian and I got to work to make it a masterpiece! Is it odd we had all these paints on hand?  Well, we did so overall the table cost us around $30!  What a bargain! 

Lillian was such a great hostess.  She poured tea for her friends over and over again until they were tea full.  She was a content little girl with her friends, Toni and Michael, and Abuela and Abuelo celebrating her day.  Thank to you to everyone for making Lillian feel as special as we know she is.