Daycare Christmas Party

It was really nice.  Instead of doing a secret Santa or giving all the kids presents they decided to have the parents give presents to the class instead.  So the teachers all came up with a wish list of items that the class needed and all the kids could enjoy.  Matt and I signed up to get books for them and we knew just where to go.  There is a bookstore in Destin that we had looked at before that had a great selection of kid books so we wanted to make sure and stop there first.  Well, we stopped there and it turns out that they were going out of business so all their books were $1!  Can you believe that!  We got one book for each kid in the class and Lillian was the hero of the class!  Not bad for only $8 worth! :)

The teachers invited the parents to participate and we got there just in time to see them opening some gifts and getting ready to sit down and eat ice cream and cupcakes.  Lillian wasn’t a big fan of the ice cream but she LOVED the cupcakes.

