Early Summer

Living in Florida you can’t help but notice how HOT it’s becoming already.  This weekend we spent some time outdoors and enjoyed an early summer afternoon.  We ate popsicles, Lillian got in her pool, and we smoked some ribs and grilled corn.  We got some jellybelly flavored push popsicles at Walgreens a few weeks ago and they are freakin awesome!  Lillian really enjoyed them as you can tell. 


We had an accident with the green popiscle so we moved to the blue one.  Once we got all cooled down and Lillian tired of just sitting around and not doing anything we filled up her pool for her to entertain herself.  And oh she did! 



And that seemed to keep her pretty happy.  Matt and I enjoyed the quiet time until our dinner was done cooking. Then it was time to go in, take a quick shower and enjoy Matt’s culinary wonderfulness!  YUM


It was a fabulous Saturday that ended with an early night to bed (dishes and clean up still needing to be done) to watch Sleeping Beauty in our room.  I fell asleep before it was over but I heard Lillian really enjoyed it.