My Birthday

My birthday celebration started off at work on Friday.  When I got to work the door to my office was closed and when I looked inside I saw that my manager and my two close coworkers were sitting in there.  I opened the door and I was immediately overwhelmed with emotion.  They had laid out scrapbook pages all over my walls of pictures from our website (the theme was picture perfect since they say I’m always taking pictures).  Not only did they do that but they also had everything set up to make me Belgium waffles and cookies for breakfast.  I had a great time touring my walls and opening all my thoughtful gifts.  It was definitely a good start to my birthday!  Friday night we went out to eat at Helen Back for some good pizza and beer.  It’s a sports bar (mostly bar that allows kids :)) Lillian had a great time dancing around and being a kid while Matt and I talked and watched our little girl dance and act like a goof ball.  She even shook her booty for us!   

Saturday we got up and got ready and left the house for some shopping and different scenery.  Seeing how we’ve been cooped up all year so far in the house working on tiling the floor it was nice to get out and enjoy some time away from the house.  Matt ordered me a new lens for my camera so I played with that some.  He also took us to lunch at Gus’s which is a unique little restaurant that had some great food.  After hours of shopping and walking around we finally started to head home around 5pm.  Matt and Lillian sang me the birthday song pretty much all the way home which was really sweet.  Lillian even left Chris a message on his cell phone wishing him a happy birthday.  He’s in Afghanistan for a few weeks so I think he’ll enjoy his message when he’s heading home.

Overall, turning 27 has been a pretty good experience so far.   Here’s some pictures of my office decorations

