House Tile – Living Room, Last Update 1/20/09

In addition to the new format of just listing the room, I’ll also update the title of the post so everyone can tell that the room has progressed!


Thursday was spent clearing out the living room, not too bad except for the entertainment center.  As usual, we started off by clearing out the room, ripping up the carpet, tack strips, padding and linoleum.

clear 1

clear 2


Instead of the usual day two proceedings, where I would spend a few hours getting the field tiles laid, we went to have dinner at a friends house.  However, I still put down a few tiles before we went over.


I told you it was just a few tiles! ;)


This was the day for laying all the field tiles.  From about 9am until 1pm, we laid a little more than half the tiles.

lunch break


Here’s a shot of the work in progress, compliments of Barbara:


After lunch, it was just more tiling until the rest of the field tiles were in place.  After all that, here’s how the living room looks:

field tiles 1

field tiles 2


To start the day, we took out all the spacers from the field tiles to prepare for the day.  Here’s the result:

sunday morning

sunday morning 2

After that, we went to get groceries.  Because of the need for food, we started later than usual.  The first part was cutting the perimeter tiles from the back rooms up around the front door.  It’s very nice to finally have those rooms complete.  While I was cutting and tiling, Barbara grouted the main area of the room.  Here’s the two photo view, as usual:

first tiles

first grout

After cutting and laying those tiles, it was around 2pm and we decided it was time for lunch.

From lunch until about 9pm, it was cutting tiles and test fitting and putting them in place.  There was a break for dinner and one little break when Barbara had to make a trip to Lowe’s to buy a new blade for the tile saw.  While she was away, Lillian wanted to help out with the floor, so I snapped a couple photos:


mopping 2

Anyway, we finished everything up by 9pm.  Tomorrow night we’ll grout the rest of the room and Tuesday will be the day we move everything back in and have a tiled living room!  Here’s where we stand now:


final 2


Today was a holiday for me and Lillian, but Barbara had to go to work so there wasn’t much accomplished on the tile during the day.  I did manage to clean up around the house, and prepare the tile for grouting when Barbara got home.

Which is exactly what we did as soon as Barbara came in.  The entire living room has now been grouted, and tomorrow we will be able to put everything back in!  Here’s how it looks now:


done! 2

And we can’t forget to point out that doing the living room has finally completed the back section of the house!  The entire hallway area is now a completely tiled space:



We’re done!  We now have a fully functional tiled living room, and it’s really nice!  It’s amazing how much larger the room feels now that the floor is tile, but it certainly seems more spacious.


complete! 2