House Tile – Computer Room & Hall, Last Update 1/25/09

As usual, we got started on –


Also, as usual, the first evening was for clearing the room in preparation for tiling activities.  As you can see, Lillian is enjoying being able to draw all over the concrete before we tile.

clear 1

clear 2


Field tile day!  The whole tiles were laid fairly quickly today.  Because I broke the 5-gallon bucket and had to make a trip to Lowe’s, we didn’t get tiling until about 7:15pm.  The field tiles were all laid by 9:45pm, so about 2 1/2 hours to lay 39 tiles (about 88 square feet).

For reference, when I started this project tiling Lillian’s room I laid about 9 tiles an hour.  Now I usually lay 15-20 a hour.  That’s for whole tiles, cutting still takes a little time (although it’s a lot faster since we got a new blade for the tile saw).

field tiles 1

field tiles 2


Today we cut all the perimeter tiles and finished laying everything for the computer room and hallway.  I decided that I didn’t want an unfiished hallway like we had between the back bedrooms and the living room, so I went ahead and ripped out a little of the linoleum in the laundry room and kitchen so I could tile into them as needed.

These perimeter tiles were even less fun than usual, thanks to the parts around the laundry and kitchen.  The way things worked out, the tiles there were impossible to lay in one piece.  I had to cut off part of two tiles to allow everything to fit around the odd doorways.  Dealing with those really makes me not look forward to the master bath/closets with their awkward corners.

Anyway, here’s where things stand as of Saturday night:

perimeter 1

perimeter 2


This morning we cleared out the spacers and cleaned up the tile so we could grout.  After several moppings, here’s how the space looks:

grouted 1

grouted 2

Since we got the grouting done fairly early, we decided to get everything moved back into the room tonight.  This way, we can have Monday to relax!  Of course, we may be taking a fair bit of time off since we’re all feeling a bit under the weather.  Anyway, here’s the finished computer room:

complete 1

complete 2

We’re going to replace the computer chair.  The cheap wheeled office chair just doesn’t go with the nice tile floor and wood desk.  Also, the grout lines are darker here because they’re still damp from the last mopping.  They’ll lighten up to match the grout lines around them!