When Mommy’s Away

In Lillian’s almost 2 short little years, Matt and I have learned that when she is completely quiet, she’s doing something she’s not supposed to.  Once again we have been proven right.  Lillian was playing with Charlotte and Maggie while Matt and I were in the living room and she followed the puppies into our bedroom, which is standard practice. Well, after not hearing her laughing for a while I decided to investigate and see what they were up to.  To my surprise she wasn’t in our bedroom but in the bathroom with her head in my cabinet.  When I asked what she was doing her little face came out looking like this….


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She was sooo proud of herself.  She said "see mommy, lips!"  "Pretty!"  I took her to Matt, lipstick in hand, and she showed her daddy her handy work.  I couldn’t pass up this photo opportunity so here are a few more.  I’m so glad parenthood gives you a sense of humor, moments like these are priceless!
