1st Grade!

This post is a tad late seeing how Lillian has been in school for a little over a month now but it’s still worth documenting…

1st Grade couldn’t come fast enough for me.  Though I didn’t want to officially admit that Lillian would be in 1st grade, I was done with our summer care situatin and ready to get back into a good routine where everyone was happy.  A place that had good structure and activities to keep little ones busy and learning. The morning started off with us taking Lillian’s picture before school.


Matt, Lillian and I dropped off Natalie at school and made our way to Lillian’s school.  So far no tears for either of us!  We walked hand in hand to Lillian’s class, and we began our goodbyes. Lillian’s emotions got the best of her and she lost it.  The excitement of the day turned to fear that she’d be in a class that she didn’t know, a teacher she hadn’t really talked to and kids she wasn’t used to.  She just wanted us.  We said all the right things and got her situated, one last hug and kiss and Matt and I were out of there.  

Halfway down the hall, and my waterworks start.   Matt had one more person he had to make feel better.  He squeezed my hand and told me everything was going to be OK.  I knew it was, but my baby was in first grade!  I was leaving her with a teacher she didn’t know, kids I didn’t know and a classroom that seemed so overwhelming.  She needed me and I had to leave.  Not a good feeling.  Matt and I joked later that maybe I could make it to the car next year and Matt followed that by "let’s not get ahead of ourselves, I think the goal should be the front of the school"  Guess we’ll have to see!

Lillian was full of smiles, excitement and stories of her first day.  She couldn’t wait to go back.  Exaclty what I needed to hear!