Baby Shower!

I work with some pretty awesome people and they showed me just how cool they really are by throwing me and Natalie a baby shower.  We had it at the house so when it was all over the items would be easier to put away.  Definitely the way to go!  Since they didn’t want to ruin any of the surprise they had my family leave while they decorated and got everything all set up.  

It started at 11am and I walked in to a house full of yummy smells, most notably the quiches cooking in the oven.  We played some games and chatted for a while and then it was time for presents!  One of the things that they had on my shower invite was to bring diapers for a chance to put your name in a drawing for $50.  So needless to say we got A LOT of diapers along with some really nice things ranging from a glider chair for the room, homemade blanket, car seat, an everything basket, to personalized shirts for mommy and the girls.  They really did outdo themselves!  

When it was time for everyone to leave they all pitched in and put everything in Natalie’s room, put away all the food, did the dishes, picked up all the decorations and put my house right back to how I had left it in the morning.  That was an incredible present in itself!  I seriously have a fantastic bunch of people in my life. 

Take a look at Spring ’10 snapshots for some more pictures of my wonderful shower!
