Natalie’s 2nd Birthday Party

Natalie is usually a super happy kid, but on Saturday her smile got bigger, her stride got wider, and she knew everyone was there for her.  She definitely felt special and loved. Natatlie celebrated her birthday a little early with a family get together.  She had a bird themed birthday with a little bit of Scooby Doo sprinkled in where we could.  

Natalie is obsessed with Scooby Doo, in a good way of course but obsessed.  With a mini family scavenger hunt we found her a Scooby Doo stuffed pillow and she has loved, laid on and hugged on this pillow more than I can count. She made out like a bandit on Saturday, from dress up clothes and shoes, to My Little Mermaid bath items, a Vtech learning toy, $200 to add to her investment fund, books and gardening items and some other very nice and thoughtful gifts; she was not without things to play with.  

From Mommy and Daddy she received a toy we hoped, she would share with Lillian and they could and would have hours of fun.  We unveiled it to her shortly after our guests arrived and she was pretty pleased. She had her very own bounce house to call her own!  Natalie was able to get the first jump and enjoy her little gift from us.  Natalie was stoked and Lillian was even more since Natalie was a good sharer from the beginning. ;)  They have already gotten our investment worth!

My mom made paella and sangria for lunch and between the bounce house, water activities and of course just playing around we had a great family get together.   I can’t believe my girl will be TWO on Thursday.  Wow, my baby bird is getting big!


 More pictures here