School Field Trip

Lillian’s class had their first field trip and I and Matt were able to chaperone the kids.  I have to admit when I first signed up for the field trip, I was very hesitant as to how much I was going to enjoy the experience.  Little did I know that it was going to be as fulfilling as it was.  Wow!  It truly was so rewarding.  I got to meet the kids in the class, really meet them.  I learned a lot about how much Lillian has grown in just these past few weeks.  I enjoyed watching her engage and interact with her peers.  She wasn’t a follower or a leader just yet.  I think she’s finding her footing in her new little world, which is OK by me.  

So on to the field trip.  I signed up to chaperone and that morning Matt decided he wanted to be a part of the fun and he joined us on our adventure.  I’m glad he did since we were the only parents that volunteered and I’m not sure Ms Erickson would have been able to handle the field trip with just me to help her!  We met up with the kids outside while they were having their picnic lunch.  We helped Ms Erickson walk the kids back to the classroom and get them ready for the trip.  Finally, we were on our way.  Single file (well, as single file you can get with 16, 5 year olds) we began our walk to Uptown Station.  The kids were overwhelmed with excitement.  They were chatty, but orderly. :)  Ms Erickson led the line, Matt had the middle and I ended up the line.  I really enjoyed my group of kids.  They weren’t too sure about me but by the time we walked back I had 4 kids trying to hold my hand at once.  Matt was a big help he stood in front of all the intersections and made sure the kids were safely across.   I think the boys really related to him! One has already requested that Matt join in on all future field trips!


Finally, we made it to Uptown Station.  We let the kids play in the playground part first.  You would think these kids had never seen a playground!  Goodness, they were all over the place like little monkeys! I was lucky enough to be the class photographer… got volunteered as soon as we got to the park.  On the downside, since I was capturing everyone having fun I don’t have any action shots of Lillian but can you tell she was having fun?


Once the kids were good and hot, we walked over to the frozen yogurt shop and everyone was able to get their treat.  The kids really enjoyed picking out their flavor and toppings!  We had some interesting combinations I tell you!


After our little break, we headed back to the park, but this time, we went to the water side.  Oh the kids were in Heaven! I mean seriously, what kid wouldn’t think this is the best school day ever!



After a lot of playing, it was time to head back.  Now the trip up didn’t seem to take forever but the trip back was sooooooo long!  The kids were tired (I was tired), the kids were hot (I was hot) and we just wanted to be back (I wanted to get back)!  The almost single file line we had before was more like a football team coming in for a game from the tunnel.  There was no order.  :)  But we made it back safe and sound.  We checked Lillian out early so we could hang out with her before we picked up Natalie.  I think she really enjoyed the alone time with us and so did we. However, it really did feel like something was missing so we didn’t waste much time to get Natalie from school.  We truly are at our best when we are all together! Like I said it was very fulfilling.  I really liked being around the kids and getting to know them.  Next field trip is in a couple of weeks!  I can’t wait to do it again!