Puppy Love

Our kids love each other.  Well, some more than others.  Lillian and Charlotte are attached at the hip and if she was a real person they would be the best of friends I don’t doubt that.  They run, play chase and hug and kiss on each other.  It’s a nice validation that we did the right thing by taking in another puppy.  Maggie, our princess, is very standoffish by nature so she will tolerate Lillian’s affection for only a few moments but she has definitely warmed up to her since Charlotte has come in the picture.  It could be jealousy but hey at least she lets Lillian touch her. 

Charlotte and Maggie are becoming more and more good friends.  They take naps together and Maggie will even initiate tag.  At first, Maggie of couse didn’t want anything to do with her and felt betrayed by us for having yet another attention hogger in the house.  You would think she was an only child!  I guess since she’s realizing that this one isn’t leaving either she’s making the best of the situation and allowing Charlotte into her circle.  Quite an accomplishment since Maggie only has like 5 people that are allowed in there.

So here are some pictures of our kids 

