Unfortunately she has yet to actually "potty" in the toilet. Potty training is not something Matt and I were pushing for but when she started taking off her diaper and saying she had to go "potty" well, we decided to give it a try. She seems to be getting into it but she keeps going in her diaper and then says she has to go, so we have a ways to go. She is trying to teach her "friends" how it’s done as you can see here.
First, the pep talk Second, sitting down, per Lillian’s instructions, and waiting
Third, an encouraging kiss
Fourth, a good wipe for reinforcement of the idea
and last, a big hug for effort.
So replace ‘little bear’ with Lillian and Lillian with us, and you have our bathroom routine. Hopefully soon, in between encouraging kiss and wiping we’ll have potty. I’ll keep you all posted on the progress with this new challenge!